Depression Distorts Your Thinking
by Kevin Caruso
You probably have heard the expression "looking at the world through rose-colored glasses," which means that no matter what happens, everything seems wonderful.
It is a distortion of reality.
But what about "looking at the world through depression glasses"? That is an expression that you do not hear, but probably should. Looking through "depression glasses" causes everything to seem horrible. Really horrible.
"Depression glasses" always distort things in a negative way. And thus these despicable glasses bring nothing but sadness and gloom.
And these glasses then seem to control your thoughts. You may have thoughts like these:
Everything is horrible.
And everything will always be horrible.
I am worthless.
I am a horrible person.
I can't do anything right.
Nothing ever goes my way.
Nobody loves me.
Nobody cares about me.
I feel terrible.
And I will always feel terrible.
I am overwhelmed.
I will never be happy again.
I hate life.
I am in horrible pain.
The pain will never end.
The pain just gets worse.
I do not want to live anymore.
I want to die.
STOP! That's right, stop right there. Take the glasses off. How? Get treatment for what is causing you to wear those horrible glasses. If you have thoughts like those above, you most probably have an untreated mental illness, like depression.
Depression distorts your thinking.
But depression is highly treatable. And the vast majority of people who get treatment for their depression get better.
If you are in a suicidal crisis, that is, if you are at a high risk for suicide right now, you need to call 911 or 1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-273-TALK
Call now.
If you have thoughts of suicide, but are not suicidal, please make appointments with a doctor and a therapist so you can get assessed and treated.
Call now.
Do not delay.
Take the steps that you need to take to get better.
And throw away the "depression glasses" forever.
Thank you for taking action.
You are a great person.
If you or someone you know is suicidal, please go to the Home Page of this website for immediate help.
Thank you.
I love you.
Take care,
Kevin Caruso