MRI Scans May Temporarily Relieve Depression;
May be Used on People Who are Suicidal
by Kevin Caruso
Researchers at McLean Hospital in Belmont, Mass., have accidentally found a possible short-term relief treatment for people with depression or people who are suicidal.
The results of the research were published in the American Journal of Psychiatry.
Many depressed patients who received magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scans for various reasons, not for depression, found that they felt significantly better after an MRI scan.
One patient was so depressed before a scan that she could not respond to basic pre-scan questions. But after a 20-minute scan, she felt quite good and asked "what happened? What did you do?"
Another individual who almost never joked around, left the scan in a jovial mood and began immediately joking with the technicians.
Numerous anecdotal reports similar to these have occurred.
Overall, 77 percent of the patients who underwent an MRI brain scan said that they felt better afterwards.
And the positive mood that the patients experienced lasted up to two weeks.
It is believed that the magnets used in the scan have a positive affect on the brain.
Researchers are now trying to develop a smaller MRI device that may be used for depression treatment.
One of the problems with potentially using MRI scans to treat depression is that the
scans are very expensive.
If you think that you may be depressed, please make an appointment with a doctor and a therapist immediately.
Untreated depression is the number one cause of suicide.
If you or someone you know is suicidal, please go to the Home Page of this website for immediate help.
Thank you.
I love you.
Take care,
Kevin Caruso