Prayer Requests
We want you to know that you are not alone in what you and your loved ones are coping with.
We love you, Jesus loves you, God loves you, the angels are with you, and more people care for you than you could imagine.
So we invite you to send any prayer requests that you may have to us and we will begin praying for you immediately.
To submit a prayer request that will be prayed for by several prayer groups, please use the following e-mail. (We accept prayer requests for ANY prayer concerning suicide: prayer requests for angels who have died by suicide; prayer requests for suicide survivors; prayer requests for the suicidal, etc.) If you or someone you know is hurting in any way, send your prayer requests in and we will add it to our list. There is GREAT power in prayer, so do not hesitate to send your prayer requests to us:
And please feel free to send as many prayer requests as you would like... as often as you like.
God Bless You.
I love you very much,
Kevin Caruso
Founder, Executive Director, Editor-in-Chief
If you are suicidal, immediate action is required; so please
read the information on the home page of this website and take action.
Thank you,
Kevin Caruso