Many Pregnant Women Suffer From Depression;
Few Get Treatment; A Suicide Risk
by Kevin Caruso
A University of Michigan study indicates that 20 percent of pregnant women may suffer from depression, but few seek treatment.
The study also found that pregnant women who had a previous history of depression (about 25 percent) are more than twice as likely as other women to suffer from depression during their pregnancy.
And evidence suggests that depression can affect the unborn babies.
Pregnant women who do not receive treatment for their depression are at a high risk for postpartum depression.
Untreated depression and untreated postpartum depression can lead to suicide.
And untreated depression is the main cause for suicide.
Thus it is critical that all pregnant women receive immediate treatment for depression.
If you are pregnant and think that you may have depression, please make appointments with a doctor and a therapist.
And if you know anyone who is pregnant and who may be depressed, please get help for the person.
A pregnancy should be a wonderful time in any woman's life.
And the joyous arrival of a baby should be cherished.
So please get help now if you need it.
Depression is highly treatable, and the vast majority of pregnant women who receive treatment for their depression get better.
So if you are depressed, take action.
Take action for yourself.
Take action for your family.
And take action for your precious baby.
If you or someone you know is suicidal, please go to the Home Page of this website for immediate help.
Thank you.
I love you.
Take care,
Kevin Caruso